Everything is OK - and thanks to everyone who worried about me - so sorry you worried! I missed you guys, too!
Mom hasn't been feeling too good, so she and I just snuggled a lot, instead of working on the computer. That was really fun for me! I love snuggling!
Have you guys ever had these great treats? They are huge pieces of cheese, and sausage, and sometimes bacon - Mom got me some, and I love them!

I will try very hard to be a better blogger!
Glad your back, hope your Mom is feeling better. Those do look delicious, can we trade you a pig's ear???
Hamish & Sophie
Welcome back Bailey, glad to hear you are okay, and sure hope your Mom is feeling better. Those treats look delicous :)
Hi Bailey!!!!
My tail is wagging big time! I'm so glad to see you. I was worried, so was my mom.
I've never seen those treats but they sure look good.
Hope your Mom feels better and will be able to blog more often.
Luv, Lucy (Woof!)
I would be happy to share my treats with all of you (IF I ONLY HAD SOME, MOM!!)
but sorry, Hamish and Sophie - Mom won't let me have pigs ears, because I had some one time, and I got sticky stuff stuck all over my paws, and my chest, plus I licked and licked them so much that Mom couldn't clean it out of her comforter.
Because of course, I eat ALL my treats in the middle of her bed.
so happy you are where you are and wish you best of places to be just now!
Hi, Bailey!
Sure I hope your mom is feeling better now.
Yummy treats!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Bailey!
It's nice to see you again. Give mom a big doggie-hug (if you can) from us. Missed you guys.
Woof! Wooo It's about time. I was wondering what happened to you. Glad you are back n sending your mom lots of my golden healing thoughts. What a DELISH! treat you are having. Looking forward on hearing from you. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
We missed you a lot!!!!
We're very very very happy to hear you and your mommy are ok now!!!
We were very worried for you!!!!
What a delicious treats you got!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.....can we have one for us???
Take care of you and your mommy!!!!
Can't wait to read your next post!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
Woof! It's ME again Sugar. Just want to wish you and your family Happy Holidays. I just posted my last post for the year. We are going on a long Holiday break. Lots of Golden Holiday Woofs, Sugar
Welcome back Bailey!
Hope your mom is feeling better! What yummy treats you got!
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