Plus, Blogger quit telling me when you nice peoples made comments on my Blog, so I thought all my friends were on vacation!
I have an ear infection right now, and my ears are all red and swollen and itchy, and Mom says it makes my breath and my head all stinky, but I don't know about that.
She has to give me ear medicine a lot, and I don't mind, but whenever I see her with the bottle, I jump on the bed and do this with my foot - she calls me Foot Boy when I do it. Then she puts the medicine in whichever ear is sticking up, and she says "Flip!" and I turn over so she can doctor on the other ear. I really don't mind., but I make a big show out of it.
See you soon!
Hi, Bailey!
Of course I missed you!
I hope the med helps your ears to get better soon!
If I see my mom with a little bottle... I run away!
Kisses and hugs
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear Bailey!!!!
we missed you a lot!!!!
And we're happy to hear from you again!!!
But Poor Friend!!!!
We're so sad for your ears infection!!!!!
Hope you're feeling better soon!!!
We love your photo...you look soooooooooooooo cute!!!!!
are you feeling lots of pain???
Hope not too much!!!!
We'll cross our paw for you everyday!!!
Please...give us news from you soon!!!!
We love you soooooooooooooooo much!!!
Sweet kisses gorgeous Bailey!!!
Hi Bailey, sorry to hear about your ear infections! Hope you feel better soon!
Hey Bailey
Greetings from South Africa.
We are sorry to hear about your ear infection...I suppose that's the way it goes with old dogs. Hope you get better soon.
Take care. Hope to be friends soon. Luv Max &Co
Hi Bailey,
Ouch...get better soon. Mom said one of the joys of having a dog with ears that stand up is we don't get many ear infections. When she had Afghans she was nursing ear infections all the time.
Diego Dog
Hi Bailey!
I missed you a lot!
I am so sorry to hear about your ears infection.
Hope you get better very soon!
Thanks everybody! It's so good to hear from you!
Diego - I didn't know that about floppy ears! My Mom says her first golden never had ear infections, but I get 2 or 3 every year, ever since I was a baby!
That's probably why I flip so politely for my Mom when she asks - I learned it when I was a baby!
Hi Bailey! I've had ear infections, too, and I've had to go to the vet and get special medicine. I think you're a much better patient than me. Phooey on Blogger - they're the ones that were on vacation! I hope your ears feel better soon.
See ya!
Hi Bailey,
How are you doing? Sorry we haven't been visiting your blog. We are making our rounds now. We have lots of blog reading to catch up.
Hope your ears are better. Do you have selective hearing 'cos I do. Ha ha ha.
Bailey, us kitties haz some doggies dat lives in our house dat looks yike youz. Our momma readed to us 'bout youz ear and we is sending good purrs to make youz feel better. How is youz ear?
Hi Kitties ... grrrrrrr
Sorry - Couldn't help it-it's a reflex!
My ears are better, but they are still sick, and Mom is still giving me my medicine. These things sometimes take months to get better!
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