"'Stictshuns" means that my Mom said I couldn't use the computer, so I couldn't update my blog and talk to all my friends, and I have missed you! And I couldn't use dumb ole FaceBook, but that was OK, because FaceBook still confuses me and makes my head hurt sometimes.
Mom said I had to be on 'strictshuns until I got an attitude adjustment about Gumball. She said I cannot exagerrate about him anymore, or call him "Dumball", or mean kind of stuff like that. And that I have to try to be less jealous. She said I am his big brother now, and I have to set a good example.
Then she told me I was really the "little brother" because he is much older than I am, but since he is so tiny, and I was here first, I get to be the big brother.
I had a lot of problems at first with this attitude thing. Like, he gets to eat 6 or 7 times a day! (I was gonna say he gets to eat a hundred times a day, but that is the kind of exaggerating I can't be doing anymore).
And he eats special food! It smells so good, and he gets to have real gravy on it (not the gravy that comes out of the tap on Mom's sink, like I get). And at first, Mom would have to tie me up with my leash, or shut me up in the bedroom or bathroom, so that I wouldn't eat his food. I never tried to eat it while HE was eating it, but it takes him an hour to eat (that is NOT an exaggeration!) and he has this habit of eating for 10 minutes or so, and then walking a lap around the downstairs, and going back to his bowl and eating some more - and he does this all the time. I figured that once he walked away that bowl of food is fair game, and I should get to clean up what was left, but Mom said "No", 'cause he needs his food 'cause he is so skinny, and after a few days of being tied on my leash or shut up in the bathroom, I learned real quick that I can only clean his bowl when Mom tells me it is OK. So I sit a few feet away, and wait for those magic words.
But I still don't understand why he gets to eat so much - Mom says my doctor told her he needs to gain 4 pounds - but she told my Mom I could stand to gain 5 pounds, and Mom only added a midnight snack for me!
And I'm not supposed to step on him anymore - so I always look where I am barreling now, and try very hard to be careful where I put my feet, 'cause he always seems to be right up under me!

Mom got me a new elephant Baby to reward me for being a good big brother.
And here's something else I don't understand - Gumball doesn't like Babies! Or Squeaky toys!
I'm not complaining - I am happy that he doesn't steal my toys like Nummy does!

But the little chowhound steals my bones!!
Oh Noes!!
Mom started giving me extra bones, and I was enjoying one on the bed, and Gumball came over and just put his mouth right on it, so I moved back, and he proceeded to drag it off to his bed.
He doesn't even know how to carry a bone correctly, and all he does is lick lick lick them - Mom says it is because he doesn't have any teeth.

This is me pouting right after he stole this delicious bone. He somehow gets one end of my bones in his mouth, and then drags them backward, using the floor or the bed as his bottom jaw ('cause he doesn't have a bottom jaw either) and the next thing you know, they are in his bed.

Here is Gumball playing with my stolen cheesebone, and you can see the other special bone tucked in his bed.
He even buries them under the soft mattress in his bed! But I know all about his hiding places, and when he is not in his bed, I go over to it and steal my bones back. I am still getting in a little bit of trouble for this. Mom says she will just get me a new bone every time he steals mine, but it's the principle, you know?
He started stealing my bones the day before Mom took him to see my doctor, and left me at home! I knew she had been there, because she smelled like my doctor's office when she got home! Mom says the doctor told her that Gumball remembers chewing bones when he was younger, and that it was perfectly OK for him to have bones, and they DO seem to make him happy, so I let him keep stealing them. But I still steal them back sometimes!

Mom sometimes puts his bed on top of her bed, and he used to sleep up there with her, but she stopped doing that a couple of days ago, because when he gets thirsty or want to go outside, he would just leap over the side of the bed and onto the floor, and Mom was afraid he was going to get hurt.
He has special stairs that he can use to get up and down from Mom's bed, and he is getting better about using the stairs instead of jumping.
You see how he has his own soft special blue bed? He has one at Mom's store, too. At home, he has a bad habit of sneaking into my special bed, instead of his. But at the store, he has never even tried to get in my bed. Mom says that is because it is too far away from my Mom - and I think that sounds about right, because he follows her everywhere!
So this is my big pouty face after my bones got stolen. Even my Babies couldn't cheer me up.
But I am doing much better, and Mom keeps telling me I am the bestest dog, and she gives me lots of kisses and hugs, but things are definitely different. Like we hardly ever play soccer anymore.
And we don't go on walkies anymore, but Mom says that is because it is so hot. I'm not sure about that. At least I know Gumball can't go on walks with us, because most of the time he walks super-slow, and then gets tired, and Mom carries him. And when she carries him, she rubs his back, and kisses his head, and talks to him in his ears, and most of the time I just run ahead of them so I don't have to watch all that. And that is just for our short potty trips at home or at work - imagine what it would be like if it was one of our long walkies!
I'm not so sure about this big brother stuff, but I am trying very hard to be a good big brother, 'cause it makes my Mom happy, and she tells me how good I am, and also because I did not like 'strictshuns!
You are the bestest dog, Bailey, for letting this poor pup into your house and putting up with him. You can always visit our house if you want some special attention.
Woof! Woof! It is good to hear from you. Glad to see that you are being so god to Gumball ... he is looking good n continue to gain weight. Hang in there ... you guys are very lucky to have each other. I'm just hanging in the house ... its HOT. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I have a new sister here, too, and I feel your pain! She's always trying to bite my head!
Oh Bailey, I am sorry about the bone steeling. That's rough. I am sure things will settle down and you will both have your own bones and beds. You sound like a great big brother.
Your pal, Pip
Hey There! Woof! Guess what? You won an award this morning. Come see! www.goldensimba.blogspot.com
Licks of Love,
Hi, Bailey!
I know your mom is happy to see you being a good big brother!
And you know she has enough love for both of you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
There should be a special award for puppies like you who so good! If I find one, I'll make sure that I send it to you!
I have a new brother, too, but your situation is a lot more difficult. My little brother is much younger and as far as we know he's healthy, so I'm allowed to make some of the rules for him and that's been working out pretty well. I did make one mistake. I made a rule that he couldn't have bones so now neither of them get them.
You've got a whole different set of circumstances going on. Gumball is old and full of special needs and probably kind of frail. And no teeth. So the regular pack order can't be observed. The best thing is if your Mom just gives you lots of extra atttention and treats to get you through this difficult time and you could try to keep in mind that it's still better to be you than to be Gumball. And don't we all hope there'll be someone to take care of us when we're old and sick?
lotsa licks, Lola
Bailey; You and your Mom are doing such a wonderful thing. We know it's hard but being the Golden that you are, we know you can do it.
Hamish & Rescue Sophie
Bailey; I think you are just the most amazing big brofer to take Gumball into you and your Mom's home. I know this transition time's tough, but you are doing a totally pawesome job at letting this lil one share your bones. He sure is cute (but not as cute as you hehehee!) and we love you so much!
Humongous Hugs and Love xoxoxo
Hi Bailey,
Poor baby!! I feel your pain friend. Things will get better in time!
Do you know how old Gumball is??
I should read back on your blogs but the truth is I don't have to extra time to do that.
Come and see me sometime.
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
It sounds like Gumball needs a little TLC. I know when I came home, I had two much older siblings, and they weren't super excited about me, but they taught me how to be a good sibling, and now I'm a good big sister (so says Mom) to my mutant puppy sister. Good luck being a good sibling! :-)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy
You are being a good sibling. What is that saying..."You can choose your friends, but not your relatives"!! Keep up the good work!!
Oh no, sorry your mom is being strict with you. She probably means for the best though.
OMG that is the saddest looking face I have ever seen over a lost bone, lol. How cute.
Hi everybody! I missed you during my 'strictshuns. Glad to see you!
Bailey, you have been an angel through the prossess! The fact that you will even tolerate another wild animal (Gumball is somwhat wild, right?) is just fantastic. Don't worry about him eating all the time, just remember that if you needed to gain weight your mom would do the same to you! She is just taking good care of him so that he can be healthy. Even though it seems kinda annoying, and like some of the attention you get is gone, your mom is trying her very best!!
You are a GREAT sibling to him!
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