Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I have a ton of stuff to tell you guys, but Mom left the dumb-ole camera at home, and what is all my news without the pics? BOring - that's what.

So instead, here is today's big announcement!

I am on Facebook!

Come visit me, and be my FaceBook Friend! Hope to see you soon.

And hopefully when I get home tonight, Mom will let me blog my news about what she did to me this weekend.......


Golden Samantha said...

Can't imagine what your ma did to you this weekend, so I'll just HAVE to check back! Congrats on your being on FB! When I get over there, I'll hook up!
Hugs xo

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Great will find time to check you out. I'm on facebook too ... just can't keep up with all these social networking. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Wrigley said...

I will definitely be checking in to see what happened this weekend.

If I ever get a Facebook page started I will stop by!

Wags and Kisses,