When Mom got home from class today, we went straight out to the backyard. She tried to played soccer with me, but I was much more interested in playing with my big stick! This big stick was blown down in a big storm we had over a week ago, and I have had a lot of fun with it! I like to run with it, and chew it. It is not too big for me!
I did play a little soccer with Mom, so she wouldn't be sad.
The workers are still working on the house next door. It used to be a blue house, and now it is a tan house. That is strange to me!

I hope they are almost done, because I do not like them. They make a lot of noise with their tools, and throwing stuff, and when I peek through the fence at them, or when I bark and them, they talk loud to me, and one of them barks back at me. My Mom said something to him one time, 'cause he thought she was inside when he did it, but she wasn't. HA!
Remember when I told you how one of my real important jobs is to ma

ke sure Mom doesn't throw away important stuff? Well, I was super busy today while she was at class! She has had a cold, and there were a lot of tissues in the trash, and also a snack bag that still had some perfectly good crumbs in it. Wasteful, is what that is. I ate the crumbs, and then shredded everything, so it will decompose quicker at the landfill. My work is never done!
Boy does that pile of chewed bliss look like something I would find here...
I have 3, Rat Terrier,6
Black Lab,2 and Chihuahua, 8 months.
Your Bailey is a sweet heart.
Thanks! He can be a pistol, though. And I never seem to learn my lesson about the trash.
Sounds like you have your hands full there!
Thanks for stopping by - We hope you'll come back soon!
Bailey's Mom
You're so good for caring about the environment and helping your mom out. :)
Glad mom stuck up for you with those construction guys!
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