But after work, we went to the doctor's office, and there was that little dog again, and the peoples put him in my Mom's arms, and she carried him out to the front seat again, and stuffed me in the back seat, and we went home, and she let the little dog in our house, and in my backyard, and she gave him special food that smelled really good! And then she started building my old doggy crate from when I was a baby, and I got worried again - but it was for the little dog. But I still stay far away from it.
The little dog isn't good for much, as far as I can tell. He gets carried everywhere, and he won't play with me, and I don't even get to eat his food. And Mom is always holding him. And he sleeps ALL the time.
I don't know about this. I never asked for a baby brudder, but Mom says he is an old man.
I am very confused.

If my friends reading this know people in the Aiken'Augusta/North Augusta area, please send this to them via Facebook, or Twitter, or e-mail, or whatever. Let's get the word out so this little doggie can get back home to his regular Mommy! Thanks!
Poor thing! Your mom was so nice to help him! I hope you find his mom!
Your pal, Pip
Awww! Poor fella! I hope his people find him soon!
Hope your new doggy friend finds his way back home. That is very nice of you to take care of him , til his peeps can be found.
Your Mom is an angel, Bailey. We are sending you lots of hugs!
Poor doggie! Hope his humans will be found soon!
Your mom is wonderful, Bailey!
Oh no, he lost his mommy? I sure hope you guys can find her.
Your Mom is very good to help that poor old dog. You're very lucky to have a great Mom like that, Baily.
wags, Lola
Oh Bailey, you are so nice to share your home and Momma with that little guy. Everything will be okay - I promise.
Hi Bailey,
I made it!!! I am here to start our getting to know you time. I love golden's you know, well you know now. I live in the very hot Florida and so when I rescued my Bambi I went for a short haired dog.
Come to my blog and meet her and our cat Happy!!
When your Mom stopped to help the little dog, she did a wonderful thing and it doesn't mean she doesn't still love you just as much as she always did. She just is helping out a doggie how needed help. You still come first in her book, really!!!
I am so happy I got to meet you!!
Come see us now.
Your friends, Bambi & Fern
Glad your mom found him.
I hope his family is looking for him so he will be with them soon!
Kisses and hugs
LOL. Isn't for much. Too funny. I know you will eventually change your mind.
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