You guys know I've been wearing this stupid cone forEVER.
And my Mom has been taking care of my boo-boo, and checking me all the time, and I got all better this week, so Mom decided to start letting me go without the cone.
She does this gradually - by letting me go for just a few hours without it at first, so she can watch me, like I'm some kind of recidivist or something.
The nerve.
But anyway, she started freeing me from the cone on Monday when she was home from work, and we sat around the living room all day - she was working on her stoopid beads, and I was left to my own devices. Do you want to know what I did? Really what I did?
Mom was really, really wrapped up in her bead stuff, and the TV was on, of course, and so she wasn't paying much attention to me.
And about an hour later, she noticed that she was hearing a very repetitive licking sound coming from somewhere - and she started looking for me, and she couldn't see me anywhere. Because I am smart, and I had crawled behind a big chair to hide from her!
And she got up really quietly and sneaky-like, and snuck up and me and caught me licking - but I wasn't licking my all-healed-up boo-boo. I was, of course, licking my .......... "business". After all, I hadn't been able to do this in FOREVER!!!
And evidently, that was OK with her, because she didn't put me back in the cone.
So for 4 days, she let me be out of the cone whenever she was home and awake, and I was perfectly behaved, and didn't do any bad licking, so last night she let me sleep without the cone.
She even gave me a huge rawhide bone so I could celebrate, and have something delicious to chew and suck on!
And then this morning, she gave me a full body frisking, and didn't find any wet spots, so she decided I was over it, and she went to work and left me out of the cone! Hurray!!
And I spent all day sucking on my thigh, and when Mom got home, she frisked me again, and discovered what I'd done, and put me back in the cone, saying "it's for your own good".
Yeah, right.
Stupid cone.